Tuesday, September 7, 2010

thesis statement.

i understand that this is supposed to be iterative, but i'm not sure why it's useful to continue to explore my own thoughts as they are. my opinions about architecture are skeptical and founded in emotion more so than research. i am hoping they evolve. what i really need to is spend the time taken for these assignments on a ton of self-defined reading.. and i'm frustrated that although this is a thesis, it is not an independent study. we get to pick a site and a program but the method of coming to our argument is entirely prescriptive.

architecture is useful emptiness.

how do we distinguish between different voids? what specific kinds or conditions of boundaries determine how people occupy space? how do people correlate location ?

i'm still not sure what i'm interested in but i do want my thesis to be part observation, part creation. my bibliography now includes several anthropological case studies regarding how people use space. is there association between formal typology and use typology? my main interest in architecture is in how. how it comes to pass, how it's made, how it's used, how to evaluate it. i know that's not much but it's where i am. i also want something about this project to be real. i don't want to do another simulation of architecture. and the guy i wanted to be my advisor is too ill to take on the project.

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